Art - A Paradigm Shift and Graduation

July 06, 2020

Art - A Paradigm Shift and Graduation

The Oxford dictionary's definition of Art is: 
a diverse range of human activities in creating visual, auditory or performing artifacts (artworks), expressing the author's imaginative or technical skill, intended to be appreciated for their beauty or emotional power.

When I decided  to become an artist I  never imagined the many new directions, challenges, and finally, joy I would experience.  Yes, there was a big learning curve; which included learning to take rejection, such as not getting into shows,  or good, but sometimes brutal critiques that made me question and reevaluate my work.
​However, this was all for a purpose and  allowed my creative spirit to grow and fly. 

So, my challenge was: How to deal with my body not allowing me to stand for hours in surgery, and yet, stay productive and not stagnate?  Time for a paradigm shift... a new way of thinking about life, and a direction in which I could use my imagination and creative skill to develop work with beauty and emotional power.

Wow, this was going to  be a big undertaking. Once started, I have never looked back. 
I am so grateful for all the support I have received from my family, and friends who have assisted me on this fabulous  journey.  

When learning a new skill there are many new steps.  The first was learning to think and see like an artist.  The next, was learning  to trust my ideas and take risks.  And the last,  was learning the skills required to create my Art.   

The thread that kept all these new processes together was my great wife/muse, and a great family.  There were many classes with long commutes to Houston, and several trips across the country  to take a course.  But, all were all worth it. The ability to follow this artistic road is something I was very lucky to be able to do, and something I will always be grateful for.

I will be joining 13 other artists at Glassell in the Graduation show at Glassel School of Art .  My work in this  show highlights my work in metalworking and enameling.    I am grateful for all my instructors at Glassell, and the many master artists whom I have traveled to  take  courses with.  I have developed so many new friends.  A special thanks to Jan Harrell, my enameling teacher/mentor/and friend.  I feel that my art has matured and now clearly has my individual, emotional creative voice to it. Below are 2 new works for the show. I hope you can come.    Thanks for your support....
Life's Passages
Enamel on hand formed copper vessel with plasma cut cold rolled steel and antique nails and Brass casting.
Morning Bliss
Enamel on plasma cut copper with eutectic fired fine silver
​15x15x2 nfs 

The show will open Friday, June 15th 2018 from 6 to 8 pm in  the new Glassell school of art Building associated with the Museum of fine Arts in Houston. Graduation is at 7 pm. This is a stunning new building and I am excited to be one of the first to have a show in this new structure. Below are a few pictures of the the new school and the grounds. ​

Side view of school

The courtyard and water feature in front of the school

The steps up the side of the schools roof...leading to a wonderful  vista

New Cloud Column sculpture , made by British sculptor Sir Anish Kapoor

Interior view of school
I would love your feedback. Leave me a comment and I will get back to you. Thank you.

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