A simple jig for cutting a larger hole in the bottom of a clay pot used for fusing/casting glass

August 23, 2018 2 Comments

A simple jig for cutting a larger hole in the bottom of a clay pot used for fusing/casting glass

This is a simple jig that can be made in your studio/shop. It makes enlarging holes in the bottom of a clay fusing pot very simple and is cheap, reusable and accurate.

The normal hole in a clay pot  is 3/4 of an inch depending on the size of the pot.  You need a  1 1/8 to 1 1/4 in hole in the bottom of the pot for pulling larger glass  murrini and in some glass casting techniques.

 I bought this 1 1/4 inch diamond hole saw and large arbor at Home depot.  This was made by Milwaukee, but there are several other options available on line and at fusing stores.

USA made pots seem to  work better for me than imported varieties.  You can get them at your local Home Depot , Lowes or local garden center.


Never use a corded drill around water. I used a cordless Festool drill in this video, but any cordless drill with the ability to accept a 3/8 drill bit will work.

I would love your feedback.  Please email me or leave me a comment.  

Special note:

Let the pots dry out before starting your  pre firing schedule, or add a hold at 200 degree hold for 1 hour in your fusing schedule to dry them with the kiln lid propped open a small amount to let water vapor out.  The close lid for final prefire.

Be sure you have good ventilation around your kiln as the prefire removes any binders left in making the pot.

Below is a U-tube video showing how I made/use this simple jig.

Thank you for stopping by. 

Till we meet again.....



2 Responses


January 14, 2025

I understand the jig, but I’m unsure what type of 2 piece saw you are using. I tried to read the package in the video but it’s too brief for me to stop on. Can you clarify for me?

Jan Harrell
Jan Harrell

August 24, 2018

Great video— now if only I needed to drill a pot bottom but I am sure I need to center something

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